Merel Dap & Rosie Zheng
Gender and Race Bias in Science

In STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths), but also in areas like philosophy and law, women and racial minorities are underrepresented. In the Netherlands only 35% of the people who pursue a career in academics in STEM are women. At the University of Amsterdam, only 4% of the Dutch staff has a non-Western background. In this episode, we invite Rosie Zheng and Merel Dap to talk about their experiences as young women of color in science. They explain how micro-aggressions can lead to the feeling of not being welcome in science. We talk about how as soon as we start school, we start believing that girls cannot be as smart as boys. When women want to go into academia they need to work way harder then men to be taken seriously, get funds and positions and have their articles get published. We also discuss how the underrepresentation of minorities in science can lead to racist and sexist scientific developments. For example, in Artificial Intelligence and medical science, techniques will be developed that disadvantage women and people of color. At the end, we brainstorm about how we can tackle these problems.
Wildfires - SAULT
More women - Saâda Bonaire
VV Violence - Jessy Lanza
Emancipense - Yelle